Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day was one of the best days I have had in a while! I was surrounded by family and lots of food! What more could a girl ask for? We started off the day with dinner at Granny's house. She was 85 yrs old on Thanksgiving Day, which made it even more special.

granny in all her glory
After dinner at Granny's, we went to Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Spencer's house for desert with Dad's side of the family. Most of the family was there. Lots of kids for the boys to play with and lots of space to run around. It was just a really good day.
mammie taking a ride up

devin and tyler

aunt carolyn and uncle spencer
aka the hosts

me and the hubby

our family
Chad's sister Renne and her daughter Jordan flew in from MA to be with us. They fit right in with our crazy family. :)

chad and renee

dad, ann, traci and family, and our family


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