Thursday, January 1, 2009


December 27th, I did the hardest thing I have ever had to do before in my life. I made the choice to have my cat put to sleep. He had suffered recurring urinary tract infections over the last year. He spent the whole week before Christmas at the vet with a blockage in his urinary tract. We brought him home on Friday the 19th and by the 24th, he was showing signs of trouble again. I spent the following Friday night holding him and preparing myself for what was to come the next morning. Devin and Ryan went with me when we took him in, which I think, looking back, made it even harder because Devin was really attached to him; he slept with him every night. He passed peacefully in our arms, which I am thankful for. You hear horror stories of them not passing so peacefully sometimes. We buried him in the backyard between the Forsythia bushes that the boys like to play under. I wonder if the love you receive from animals can really outway the heartache that you go through when losing them? I will certainly think about that before ever considering another pet. Rusty 1999-2008

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know that was a tough decision, but think it was the right one. He isn't suffering any more...bless his heart. I hope you and your family are comforted during your loss.