Wednesday, January 28, 2009


We got a little bit of snow this morning. Just a tease, but enough for the boys to have an hour or two of entertainment. Chad says that Harley had more fun than anybody else. He played with the ball all over the yard. His beard was full of ice dingleberries. :)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

100 Days of School!

This past Thursday was our 100th day of school at McNeill Elementary. So, to celebrate, the 1st graders were to dress up like 100 year olds.
I stopped by the office before school so I could pick up a straight cane for Seth. A quad cane would have looked more the part, but would have been too awkward for him to carry around. Here he is on the power scooter in our front lobby at work.

Allie Lutz and Seth

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Does the Tooth Fairy still come if you LITERALLY lose your tooth?

I came home from work last Friday and the first thing I noticed was a gap in Ryan's bottom row of teeth. He was a few feet away from me, so I thought, maybe he has something in his mouth? But he wasnt acting excited like a kid that FINALLY lost a third tooth when he is one month shy of 8 years old. After questioning him, it was clear that he WAS excited, just worried. Worried that the Tooth Fairy wasnt coming because he couldn't find the tooth. You see, he and his cousin Christopher were playing some sort of tug of war with their mouths while standing in the bus line after school. One good tug and the tooth came out....never to be seen again. Well, Chad reassured him about how the Tooth Fairy knows about these things regardless of whether a tooth is presented under the pillow or not...and sure enough, she came. It's crazy too, cause she left him FIVE DOLLARS! She must not have had any change. :)

Thursday, January 1, 2009


December 27th, I did the hardest thing I have ever had to do before in my life. I made the choice to have my cat put to sleep. He had suffered recurring urinary tract infections over the last year. He spent the whole week before Christmas at the vet with a blockage in his urinary tract. We brought him home on Friday the 19th and by the 24th, he was showing signs of trouble again. I spent the following Friday night holding him and preparing myself for what was to come the next morning. Devin and Ryan went with me when we took him in, which I think, looking back, made it even harder because Devin was really attached to him; he slept with him every night. He passed peacefully in our arms, which I am thankful for. You hear horror stories of them not passing so peacefully sometimes. We buried him in the backyard between the Forsythia bushes that the boys like to play under. I wonder if the love you receive from animals can really outway the heartache that you go through when losing them? I will certainly think about that before ever considering another pet. Rusty 1999-2008

Christmas Day

We always spend Christmas Day with the Denton side of the family. Dad and Ann always come to Bowling Green for a few hours. After spending most of the afternoon at Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Spencer's, we went to Granny's house for about an hour and then headed home for some much NEEDED time with the toys that Santa brought.

Christmas Morning

The boys did not wake up until 8:30 Christmas morning, which is fairly normal. For some reason, they have never woken up early on Christmas morning. They take after me...I do not get in a hurry to get out of bed in the mornings like Chad. :)

Christmas Eve

We always get together with Mom, Jeff and Granny on Christmas Eve. We always have an assortment of finger foods and then head to the basement for gift exchanges. I did not take any pictures this night, got lazy knowing that Mom had her camera. So, here are a couple of shots she shared with me. Mom, Jeff and the boys
Granny and her new pair of shoes. :)

Christmas in Hardinsburg

The Christmas get togethers started at Dad and Ann's the weekend before Christmas. We always drive up and spend the Saturday night before Christmas with them in Hardinsburg. We had a really good time with Dad, Ann, Gabe and Lindsey. We spent the night, had a nice breakfast with Dad ( he always cooks breakfast when we spend the night). Ann had to work; never a day off in the funeral home business. I hate it that I did not take any pictures of our dinner and gift exchange.