Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Something to be thankful for....

Okay, last night at bedtime the neighbor knocks on my door and proceeds to tell me that his dog attacked my cat and he is pretty sure it was bad enough to kill the cat. No way to know for sure because the cat took off running into another neighbors yard once the dog let go of his neck. The dog needed stitches because my cat sliced him up pretty bad. So, needless to say, after searching for him till about 11:30 and then giving up, I cried myself to sleep. Repeated the process before work, and then again when I came home for lunch. Tonight, just in case , I was putting food and water on the front porch for him. I asked Chad to open the door for me because my hands were full. As soon as he opened the door, there sat the cat on the front porch. Not one single scratch on him. Can you believe that? So, needless to say, the Rainvilles are celebrating tonight and the snuggles with Rusty are much, much sweeter than they were before.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I swear that cat only has 8 lives left. I don't know how he could have survived the attack that you described to me...just unbelievable! I am so glad that he made it back home safely...poor thing. At least he didn't let that darn dog get the best of him...looks like he got the best of the dog. haha Glad he is home!